we (play) computer games at the the moment (in present simple or present continuous)​


Answer 1

Answer: A=True B=False C=False D=True E=False

Explanation:present simple

every day

on Mondays

always, usually, sometimes, never

every weekend

present continuous


right now

at the moment

a. I ___sleep____ for a long time at weekends. (sleep)

b. At the moment our two cats ____are sleeping_____. (sleep)


I ____Play_____ computer games every day! (play)


I ____am not playing_____ outside with my friends now because it’s raining. (not play)

e. Right now my mum ____is reading_____ a magazine. (read)

f. My dad usually ____reads_____ a bedtime story to me and my brother. (read)

g. Now we ____are watching_____ our favorite cartoon. (watch)

h. On Sundays we ____don’t watch_____ TV in the evening. (not watch)

Children write about what they do every day and what they are doing now, and

draw a picture.

Related Questions

1) Calling promoters "shady" could be an example of which logical fallacy?
A) bandwagon
B) ad hominem
C) false causation
D) sweeping generalization



C. False causation


Bandwagon. Fallacy that relies on arguing for a course of action or belief because it is commonly done or held. False dilemma. Fallacy that occurs when a speaker presents an audience only two options and argues they must choose one or the other. Ad hominem. Fallacy that occurs when a speaker attacks another person rather than his or her argument.

What does this dialogue reveal about Louise? She follows some of the spiritual ideas of the Pueblo people. She is a devout follower of the Catholic Church. She often turns to Father Paul for support and guidance. She wants Teofilo to receive his last rites from Father Paul.


This conversation shows Louise that she adheres to some of the Pueblo people's spiritual beliefs. So, option A is the correct answer.

What is the dialogue?

The excerpt and dialogue are from  "The Man to Send Rain Clouds."

What exactly did you say? "I'm sorry, but I didn't hear you."

"I mentioned that I had been considering something."

"What are you talking about?"

"It was about the priest splashing holy water on Grandpa's head. As a result, he won't be as thirsty."

Therefore, She follows some of the spiritual ideas of the Pueblo people.

For more information about "The Man to Send Rain Clouds," refer below





what is an example of prophecy foreshadowing in the monkeys paw



Foreshadowing is one of the biggest ways that expresses suspense in the story. For example Sergeant Major Morris states that the first owner of the paw wished for death. That creates suspense because the reader wants to know why he wished for death. It foreshadows that the paw brings bad luck.


Read the paragraph.
The butterfly flew from flower bud to flower bud. It was the color of butter. It landed on the flowers, softly moved its wings, and then slipped
away. It appeared again on the other side of the garden. The butterfly was a yellow bloom in a garden of yellow blooms.
What does the writer mean by. "The butterfly was a yellow bloom in a garden of yellow blooms"?
O 1. The butterfly flew above the flowers in the garden.
O 2 The butterfly seemed like yellow butter in the garden.
3. The butterfly turned into a yellow flower in the garden.
04. The butterfly looked like the yellow flowers in the garden





because that is what it says in the questions,

btw im like guessing but that would be my answer


option 4


hope that helps :)

Using your inferential skills, of what might the mechanical hound come to be symbolic?

A) The potential dangers of technology
B) The conflict between innocence and corruption
C) The dilemma faced by Clarisse’s family
D) The benevolent nature of the firemen

(Book: Fahrenheit 451)



A)the potential dangers of technology I think so


A _____ explains or illustrates one main idea.

topical paragraph

topic sentence







Because I'm a English expert

A topical paragraph is a type of paragraph with a strongly developed main idea, or topic. What is a topical paragraph Brainly? Answer: Revolves around a main idea. Explanation: A topical paragraph, often used in essays and reports, is a paragraph that revolves around a main idea or topic by giving strong details and facts that support that idea.

In paragraph 3, how does the speaker’s description of freedom affect the meaning of the speech?


by explaining the historical origins of freedom

by explaining the historical origins of freedom

by emphasizing that freedom was hard-won

by emphasizing that freedom was hard-won

by illustrating the fragility of freedom

by illustrating the fragility of freedom

by stressing that freedom is essential to life


It is important to understand the context clues to know how the speaker’s description of freedom impacted on the speech.

What are context clues?

Your information is incomplete. Therefore, an overview will be given. It should be noted that context clues are the hints that are given in a story.

In this case, it's important to read and understand the story. Also, look out for the theme in the story and how the speaker was able to describe freedom.

Learn more about context clues on:


How does this quote apply in our life?

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong
man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The
credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred
by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes
short again and again, because there is no effort without error and
shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great
enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause;
who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who
at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place
shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor



This quote applies too our life because as you look into its meaning its explaining how the credit only belong too those who are faced with problems, whos face is damaged or ¨less than perfect¨ from the things they have faced and gone through. The credit does not belong too people who just point and laugh, or just report events and tell tales. The credit belong too the people who rise up again and again despite failing or falling short because if we want too reach our goals we must there is trail and error in effort. Credit belong too people who fight for what is right, whether that be for themselves or other people who are too weak to do it for themselves, who doesn't do it for fame but does it because they know completing the journey or fight is a feeling worth waiting for. We can tie ourselves too this, whether it be facing something as simple at retrying a test over and over until you get it right, or as complicated in staying wrong in a situation where you or others are being hurt.


What is the most likely central idea of an informational text titled "Crafting for
A. Crafting with yarn is one of the most satisfying hobbies you can
О O B. Arts and crafts stores sell pans in fun shapes to encourage kids to
try baking
C. There are several simple projects that people new to crafting can
D. The best costumes are always the ones that crafters make at


I think the answer is A

What is Kate Chopin’s purpose in The Awakening? Think about how the title provides a clue. Check the two best choices.



B and C


B. to describe how Edna experiences self-discovery

C. to describe Edna’s revolt against conformity

Explain why drugs are considered harmful to others in society besides the actual user.


Answer: it can be harmful because some people overdose on drugs and sometimes pass from drugs

Explanation: some of them die from overdose

Submit your paragraph (5 - 7 sentences) about a time when you did something that you knew was right, even if others did not follow. Use as many of your spelling words as you can, and double-check that they are spelled correctly. Make sure to underline your spelling words when you use them.



In my family we have a tradition of going to church on Easter Sunday and I wanted to continue the tradition but my parents didn't want me to go because they said it would be too cold outside. Even though I went against what they had told me to do in order to keep up with our traditions, I knew that I had to make sure we kept our traditions alive no matter how the weather was. By doing so, I felt like I made my parents proud and that they were happy that I had decided to go out and stand for what I believed in instead of just following along with everyone else.

I know that there are other people who may say that their parents are always right, and I understand where they're coming from. However, I feel like I have learned many things throughout my life and one thing that has stuck with me is that I can only live my own life by making my own decisions and choices.


My own original answer.

After two weeks, would a beautiful bouquet be likely to languish



True, it would not if it had sunlight, watered daily, and the right tempature of water, that's important


is the process of discovering educational,trainig,and professional opportunities that suit your interests passion and goals



yes it is


because each day we keep on discovering things that can help us in the future and I think that the more you discover the more you are passionated


Nora: Nary, how was your vacation?

Nary: It (example) __wasn’t__ (not, be) as good as expected!

Nora: What happened?

Nary: To begin with, we had to wait in the airport for 18 hours because our flight (14) ________ (delay) twice!

Nora: How annoying! But everything went well after that, right?

Nary: Not at all! We booked our room with a sea view, but the hotel receptionist (15) ________ (make) a mistake, and we (16) ________ (give) a room with view of the car park instead!

Nora: Oh, what poor service! Did they change the room for you the next day?

Nary: No! And then things got even worse! The next morning we went to the beach and while we (17) ________ (swim), our bags (18) ________ (steal)! They got our money and our phones! After that, we just (19) ________ (watch) TV in our hotel room for the rest of the holiday! This was by far our worst vacation experience ever!


(14) delayed

(15) made

(16) gave

I hope this helps :)

Select the correct answer.
Consider this line from “I’m Nobody! Who Are You?” by Emily Dickinson:

Don’t tell! they’d advertise—you know!

What is the meaning of the word advertise in this line?




broadcast is the correct answer


the answer is broadcast.


In both Excerpt from "The Selfish Giant" and Excerpt from "Don't Mention It" the main characters find themselves in a situation they do not understand the cause of. Compare a theme from Excerpt from "The Selfish Giant" with a theme from Excerpt from "Don't Mention It". How has the author developed the theme in each text? Use details from both texts to support your response



because of the the selfish Giant and Excerpt from Don't mention it

ultimately, the IRA won the war



It is false, they gave up their violence

For the following, write your answer choice on the line. 1. Jess is running when we meet him in chapter one because______________________. A. someone is chasing him B. he wants to impress Momma C. he’s in trouble D. He wants to be the fastest this



D. He wants to be the fastest this



Read the following passage: The baby whale was less than half the size of its mother. It bobbed along, never leaving her side. I tried to get a good picture of it before the pod passed us by, and luckily it surfaced just as it was passing by. I got a great shot of the baby whale and couldn't wait to show my mom, but I didn't want to miss the rest of the whales. I put down my camera and watched them swim away until they were out of sight. Select the sentence that explains why the baby whale "bobbed along" beside its mother.

A. It had to com up for air, and went back don underwater.

B. It was slow so it needed to move up and down for air.

C. It when up and down in the water to look for its mother








This is most likely the answer because it makes sense.

How do the authors of A Psalm of Life and Auspex use different images to illustrate their themes?



they are using their own perspective to illustrate what they think the story is mostly based on.


They used there own perespective.

of course Brainly doesn't have what I need so here I am.

Read the poem and answer the question.

[1]I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
[5]Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the milky way,
They stretched in never-ending line
[10]Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced; but they
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
[15]A poet could not but be gay,
In such a jocund company:
I gazed—and gazed—but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft, when on my couch I lie
[20]In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.

Line 19 signals a tone shift from joyful to _______________________.




Reflective. He is reflected on his beautifully described dream.


The team stretched their legs.
The team practices their drills.
The team rehearsed their set plays.



Down below


The Team stretched their legs, practiced their drills, and rehearsed their set plays.

Which option describes a goal of a labor union? please help im extremely behind

the breaking up of monopolies
better working conditions
prison reform


Better working conditions.
I hope this helps :))

Which statement best describes a text with a cause-and-effect structure?





soo I looked it up but I have a limit of writing so I can't type it


not sure since there are no options to pick from, lol.


The cause and effect structure is essentially just explaining why something occurs, and the effect that goes with it.

what is a good imagery example with the sentence that starts like" his/her words were a...? what should I say?


•his/her words were like a knife to my back

•his/her words were a clot, blocking my blood vessels

•his/her words were corrosive

Othello is referred to as “the Moor” nearly sixty times in the play, but is called by his name only about twenty times. What might the effects of this labeling be on a person?


The other characters in the play frequently "otherize" Othello, starting in Act 1, Scene 1 with Roderigo and Iago. They won't call him by name; instead, they refer to him as "the Moor," an allusion to his Middle Eastern ancestry, or just "him."  

What type of character is Othello?

Othello, an outsider who is intelligent and confident in military matters but hesitant in social situations, is an outsider. He has a difficult life that alternates between joy and dread. He differs from people around him because of his upbringing and experiences, but he also shares their moral values, feeling of allegiance to Venice, and religious convictions.

Although Othello is frequently referred to as the play's protagonist, the "hero" role doesn't necessarily fit him in the story. He portrays himself as being more simpler than his life actually is.

Othello is a clever, brave, self-assured, and physically strong general and soldier. Sadly, he is also a racial outsider, unhappy with his Moorish origin, emotionally unstable, and ignorant.

Thus, The other characters in the play frequently "otherize" Othello.

For more information about character is Othelloclick here:



Describe a place and time without saying where or when??? e.g library or park PLEASE HELP ME



why did he go to that state at what time

cows ___ on grass.

A. feed
B. feeds
C. feeding





Its A because if you read out each option only A makes sense with the sentence.

I Hope this helps :)

A. “feed” is the most grammatically correct word for this problem.

pls help me pls
I will give brainliest
pls pls help




dinner, dance, karaoke, board games,

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