
Rise Up Retail Industry FundamentalsReview - Part 1Matehing VocabularyA AllocationB. Corporation0, CustomersD. ManufacturersE ProductsF. Retail Product CycleO, RetailerH. Wholesaler1People that purchase goods or services from a business2. Any entity that produces finished products are3 Physical goods that are bought and sold, such as food, clothes, & householditema4A business or person that sells products and/or services to customers, and theyseleet merchandise and services based on the needs of a specific store, region orcommunityAn amount or portion of a resource assigned or distributed to a store or recipient0 in both physical and online shopping, this explains the process from choosing theproducts and services to offer to getting them in the hands of customersAn entity that buya large quantities of products directly from the manufacturerand then sella amaller amounts of products to different retailers8 Business that has shareholders through publicly traded stock, and usually hascentralized decision-making for ita multiple store locations.Matching ExamplesA Example of Business in RetailB. Example of Distribution CenterG Example of Omnichannel RetailD. Example of Retail Product (x2)E. Example of Retail Service (x2)Car wash10Customers being able to shop in person and online while also receiving texts andemails about sales and promotionsDepartment store12. Facility used for receiving, temporary storage, and distribution of goods to the retailcenters based on orders as they are receivedNew car tires18 Warranty on an itemRenigerator