Sukhi needs to insert a container into her form to collect a particular type of information.

Which object should she insert?


Answer 1


text box


on edge 2020

Answer 2


A- text box

Explanation: ;)

Related Questions

Write a method called min that takes three integers as parameters and returns the smallest of the three values, such that a call of min(3, -2, 7) would return -2, and a call of min(19, 27, 6) would return 6. Use Math.min to write your solution.



public class Main


public static void main(String[] args) {

 System.out.println(min(3, -2, 7));


public static int min(int n1, int n2, int n3){

    int smallest = Math.min(Math.min(n1, n2), n3);

    return smallest;




*The code is in Java.

Create a method named min that takes three parameters, n1, n2, and n3

Inside the method:

Call the method Math.min() to find the smallest among n1 and n2. Then, pass the result of this method to Math.min() again with n3 to find the min among three of them and return it. Note that Math.min() returns the smallest number among two parameters.

In the main:

Call the method with parameters given in the example and print the result

Methods are named program statements that are executed when called/invoked.

The method in Python, where comments are used to explain each line is as follows:

#This defines the method

def mmin(a,b,c):

   #This calculates the smallest of the three values using math.min

   minNum = min(a,b,c)

   #This prints the smallest value

   return minNum

Read more about methods at:

To create a public key signature, you would use the ______ key.



To create a public key signature, you would use the _private_ key.


To create a public key signature, a  private key is essential to enable authorization.

A private key uses one key to make data unreadable by intruders and for the data to be accessed the same key would be needed to do so.

The login details and some important credentials to access user data contains both the user's public key data and private key data. Both private key and public key are two keys that work together to accomplish security goals.

The public key uses different keys to make data readable and unreadable.

The public key is important to verify authorization to access encrypted data by making sure the access authorization came from someone who has the private key. In other words, it's a system put in place to cross-check the holder of the private key by providing the public key of the encrypted data that needed to be accessed. Though, it depends on the key used to encrypt the data as data encrypted with a public key would require a private key for the data to be readable.

The reading element punctuation relates to the ability to

pause or stop while reading.

emphasize important words.

read quickly yet accurately.

understand word definitions.





Punctations are a pause or halt in sentences. the first one is the answer so do not mind the explanation.

semi colons, colons, periods, exclamation points, and question Mark's halt the sentence

most commas act as a pause

Answer: (A) pause or stop while reading.


The best method to prevent information on a disk from being discovered is to: A) use DOD overwrite protocols in wiping information from the disk. B) put the disk and the computer under water. C) melt the plastic disk contained within a hard drive container. D) smash the drive with a stout hammer



C) Melt the plastic disk contained within a hard drive container


Data protection is very necessary from keep saving information from those that are not eligible to access it. It helps to avoid phishing scams, and identity theft.Alot of information are stored on the harddisk daily which can be read by disk drive, as situation can warrant prevention of third party from discovering information on it.There is hard platter used in holding magnetic medium in hard disk which make it different from flexible plastic film used in tapes.The disk drive container helps to hold as well power the disk drive.

It should be noted that The best method to prevent information on a disk from being discovered is to firstly

Melt the plastic disk contained within a hard drive container.

The following equations estimate the calories burned when exercising (source): Men: Calories = ( (Age x 0.2017) — (Weight x 0.09036) + (Heart Rate x 0.6309) — 55.0969 ) x Time / 4.184 Women: Calories = ( (Age x 0.074) — (Weight x 0.05741) + (Heart Rate x 0.4472) — 20.4022 ) x Time / 4.184 Write a program with inputs age (years), weight (pounds), heart rate (beats per minute), and time (minutes), respectively. Output calories burned for men and women. Ex: If the input is 49 155 148 60, the output is:


In python:

age = float(input("How old are you? "))

weight = float(input("How much do you weigh? "))

heart_rate = float(input("What's your heart rate? "))

time = float(input("What's the time? "))

print("The calories burned for men is {}, and the calories burned for women is {}.".format(

   ((age * 0.2017) - (weight * 0.09036) + (heart_rate * 0.6309) - 55.0969) * (time / 4.184),

   ((age * 0.074) - (weight * 0.05741) + (heart_rate * 0.4472) - 20.4022) * (time / 4.184)))

This is the program.

When you enter 49 155 148 60, the output is:

The calories burned for men is 489.77724665391963, and the calories burned for women is 580.939531548757.

Round to whatever you desire.

The programming language is not stated. So, I will answer this question using Python programming language.

The program requires a sequence control structure, because it does not make use of conditions and iterations.

The program in python is as follows, where comments (in italics) are used to explain each line.

#This gets input for age, in years

age = int(input("Age (years): "))

#This gets input for weight, in pounds

weight = int(input("Weight (pounds): "))

#This gets input for heart rate, in beats per minutes

heart_rate = int(input("Heart Rate (beats per minutes): "))

#This gets input for time, in minutes

time = int(input("Time (Minutes) : "))

#This calculates the calories burnt for men

Men = ((age * 0.2017) - (weight * 0.09036) + (heart_rate * 0.6309) - 55.0969) * time / 4.184

#This calculates the calories burnt for women

Women = ((age * 0.074) - (weight * 0.05741) + (heart_rate * 0.4472) - 20.4022 ) * time / 4.184

#This prints the calories burnt for men

print("Men:", Men)

#This prints the calories burnt for women

print("Women:", Women)

At the end of the program, the program outputs the amount of calories burnt for men and women.

See attachment for sample run

Read more about Python programs at:

Is 583 a string or a number?


It is a number that is the answer


a string


there are no more than 60 people in a certain class to participate in the final .the exam subjects are programming, English, and mathematics .the following functions are realized by two dimensional array programming.calculate the average score of each student



If there are many people in the class and if most of these people have never done such an intensive proof-based class, then I'd say this is not so surprising  that the class average would be 56%-34%


hopes this help this question threw me off a lot

Which error produces incorrect results but does not prevent the program from running? a. syntax b. logic c. grammatical d. human e. None of the above



Logic Error


I'll answer the question with the following code segment.

Program to print the smallest of two integers (written in Python)

num1 = int(input("Num 1: "))

num2 = int(input("Num 2: "))

if num1 < num2:




The above program contains logic error and instead will display the largest of the two integers

The correct logic is

if num1 < num2:




However, the program will run successfully without errors

Such errors are called logic errors

The SAP ERP ____ software module plans and schedules production and records actual production activities.A) project systemB) production planningC) quality managementD) asset management



A) project system


The SAP ERP is a planning software that incorporates the business function of an organization. The business function are Operations, Financials,  Human Capital Management and Corporate Services.

SAP Project System is a tool (functional module) that is integrated with the SAP Enterprise Resource Planning (SAP ERP) system allowing users to direct funds and resources as well as controlling each stage of the project. It also allow users to define start and end date of the project.

1. What is a technological system?*
A.a system that takes an input, changes it according to the system's use, and then
produces an output output
B.a system that takes an output, changes it according to the system's use, and then
produces an input
C.a system that starts with a process, then output resources in the input



c.a system that start with a process, them output resources in the input

Which of the following is true about strings?
They cannot be stored to a variable
An input (unless otherwise specified) will be stored as a string
They do not let the user type in letters, numbers and words
They are used for arithmetic calculations



Your answer is option C, or the third option.

They do not let the user type in letters, numbers, and words.


Strings are defined as a sequence of characters literal, constant, or variable. These sequences are like an array of data or list of code that represents a structure. Formally in a language, this includes a finite(limited) set of symbols derived from an alphabet. These characters are generallu given a maximum of one byte of data each character. In longer languages like japanese, chinese, or korean, they exceed the 256 character limit of an 8 bit byte per character encoding because of the complexity of the logogram(character representing a morpheme((which is the simpliest morphological(form or structure) unit of language with meaning)) character with 8 bit (1 byte, these are units of data) refers to cpu(central processing unit) which is the main part of a computer that processes instructions, and sends signals.

This assignment requires you to write a well documented Java program to calculate the total and average of three scores, the letter grade, and output the results. Your program must do the following:
Prompt and read the users first and last name
Prompt and read three integer scores
Calculate the total and average
Determine a letter grade based on the following grading scale - 90-100 A; 80-89.99 B; 70-79.99 C; below 70 F
Use the printf method to output the full name, the three scores, the total, average, and the letter grade, properly formatted and on separate lines.
Within the program include a pledge that this program is solely your work and the IDE used to create/test/execute the program. Please submit the source code/.java file to Blackboard. Attached is a quick reference for the printf method.



The solution is given in the explanation section

Don't forget to add the pledge before submitting it. Also, remember to state the IDE which you are familiar with, I have used the intellij IDEA

Follow through the comments for a detailed explanation of each step


/*This is a Java program to calculate the total and average of three scores, the letter grade, and output the results*/

// Importing the Scanner class to receive user input

import java.util.Scanner;

class Main {

 public static void main(String[] args) {

   //Make an object of the scaner class

   Scanner in = new Scanner(;

   //Prompt and receive user first and last name;

   System.out.println("Please enter your first name");

   String First_name =;

   System.out.println("Please enter your Last name");

   String Last_name =;

   //Prompt and receive The three integer scores;

   System.out.println("Please enter score for course one");

   int courseOneScore = in.nextInt();

   System.out.println("Please enter score for course two");

   int courseTwoScore = in.nextInt();

   System.out.println("Please enter score for course three");

   int courseThreeScore = in.nextInt();

   //Calculating the total scores and average

   int totalScores = courseOneScore+courseTwoScore+courseThreeScore;

   double averageScore = totalScores/3;

   /*Use if..Else statements to Determine a letter grade based on the following grading scale - 90-100 A; 80-89.99 B; 70-79.99 C; below 70 F */

   char letterGrade;


     letterGrade = 'A';


   else if(averageScore>=80 && averageScore<=89.99){

     letterGrade = 'B';


     else if(averageScore>=70 && averageScore<=79.99){

     letterGrade = 'C';



     letterGrade ='F';


   //Printing out the required messages

   System.out.printf("Name:  %s %s\n", First_name, Last_name);

   System.out.printf("scores: %d %d %d:  \n", courseOneScore, courseTwoScore, courseThreeScore);

   System.out.printf("Total and Average Score is: %d %.2f:  \n", totalScores, averageScore);

   System.out.printf("Letter Grade: %C:  \n", letterGrade);

  // System.out.printf("Total: %-10.2f:  ", dblTotal);



For everyday files that users will use regularly on a user's own Word-compatible computer, the best file format to save as is: o PDF. DOCX ORTE. OTXT.​



DOCX? I think


Windows 1.0 was not considered to be a "true" operating system but rather an operating environment because _____.

it provided a shell for MS-DOS

it could only run one application at a time

it didn't use a pointing device

it crashed a lot


The answer is A it provided a shell for Ms-DOS

Write a program that asks for the names of three runners and the time, in minutes, it took each of them to finish a race. The program should display the names of the runners in the order that they finished.



Written in Python

names = []

times = []

for i in range(0,3):

     nname = input("Name "+str(i+1)+": ")


     time = input("Time "+str(i+1)+": ")


if times[2]>=times[1] and times[2]>=times[0]:

     print(names[2]+" "+times[2])

     if times[1]>=times[0]:

           print(names[1]+" "+times[1])

           print(names[0]+" "+times[0])


           print(names[0]+" "+times[0])

           print(names[1]+" "+times[1])

elif times[1]>=times[2] and times[1]>=times[0]:

     print(names[1]+" "+times[1])

     if times[2]>times[0]:

           print(names[2]+" "+times[2])

           print(names[0]+" "+times[0])


           print(names[0]+" "+times[0])

           print(names[2]+" "+times[2])


     print(names[0]+" "+times[0])

     if times[2]>times[0]:

           print(names[2]+" "+times[2])

           print(names[1]+" "+times[1])


           print(names[1]+" "+times[1])

           print(names[2]+" "+times[2])


I've added the full source code as an attachment where I used comments to explain difficult lines

Which of the following documents has a template available in the online templates for your use?
all of the above



The answer is all of the above.


Documents files should be saved as a _____ file





Two of the computers at work suddenly can’t go online or print over the network. The computers may be trying to share the same IP address.

Which strategy is most likely to solve the problem?
rebooting the network server
reconfiguring the network hubs
installing network gateway hardware
logging off one of the computers, and then logging back o



logging off one of the computers, and then logging back on


the last one:

logging off one of the computers, and then logging back on


if something goes wrong on an electronic device you can reboot it and it should eventually work.

have a nice day

Match the term to its use in creating perspective.

1. placement
2. size
3. color
4. converging lines

A. Lines merging into a distance create
an illusion of depth.

B. The position of a shape relative to the
horizon affects your perception of depth.

C. Adds spatial depth to a shape.

D. A smaller shape, placed appropriately,
appears more distant than a similar
larger shape.



1. POSITION - The position of a shape relative to the

horizon affects your perception of depth.

2. CONVERGING LINES- Lines merging into a distance create

an illusion of depth.

3.COLOR- Adds spatial depth to a shape.

4. SIZE - A smaller shape, placed appropriately,

appears more distant than a similar

larger shape.

took test on PLATO. 100%

MULTIPLE CHOICE If you are completing your math homework on a desktop in the computer lab at school, the software is

A Single use
B Locally installed
С On a network
D utility​



Single use i think


Answer: im pretty sure on a network.


Write a statement to create a new Thing object snack that has the name "potato chip". Write the statement below.



New Thing = ("Potato Chip")


Java is a programming language which is used by IT professional for building enterprise applications. The new thing object can be named as potato chip by entering the command statement. The statement must be enclosed in the inverted commas for the application to understand the input.

Define a function called sum, for a given an array and an int representing its size, if the size is at least 3, then sum up all elements whose indices are a multiple of 3 and return that value, otherwise, return 0.



Written in C++

int sum(int arr[], int size) {

 int total = 0;      

 if(size>=3)  {

  for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {

     if(i%3 == 0)      {

     total += arr[i];    




  return total;



This line defines the function

int sum(int arr[], int size) {

This line initializes sum to 0

 int total = 0;      

This line checks if size is at least 3

 if(size>=3)  {

This loop iterates through the array

  for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {

The following adds multiples of 3

     if(i%3 == 0)      {

     total += arr[i];    




This returns the calculated sum

  return total;


See attachment for full program

List three hardware computer components? Describe each component, and what its function is.



moniter: a screen and is used to see what the computer is running

webcam: the camera on the computer. can be already built in or added

power supply: an electrical device that supplies power to an electrical load



Input device

output device


CJ is developing a new website blogging about cutting-edge technologies for people with special needs. He wants to make the site accessible and user friendly.
CJ knows that some of the visitors who frequent his website will use screen readers. To allow these users to bypass the navigation, he will use a skip link, He wants to position the skip link on the right but first he must use the ____ property.
a) display
b) right
c) left
d) nav



The answer is "Option c".


It is an internal page reference which, whilst also completely new pages, allow navigating around the current page. They are largely used only for bypassing and 'skipping' across redundant web page content by voice command users, that's why the CJ would use a skip link to enable those users to bypass specific navigation, and he also wants to put this link on the right, but first, he needs to use the left property.

Choose the word to make the sentence true. The ____ function is used to display the program's output.

O input
O output
O display


The output function is used to display the program's output.


As far as I know this must be the answer. As tge output devices such as Monitor and Speaker displays the output processed.

The display function is used to display the program's output. The correct option is C.

What is display function?

Display Function Usage displays a list of function identifiers. It can also be used to display detailed usage information about a specific function, such as a list of user profiles with the function's specific usage information.

The displayed values include the prefix, measuring unit, and required decimal places.

Push buttons can be used to select functions such as summation, minimum and maximum value output, and tare. A variety of user inputs are available.

A display is a device that displays visual information. The primary goal of any display technology is to make information sharing easier. The display function is used to display the output of the program.

Thus, the correct option is C.

For more details regarding display function, visit:


Is main memory fast or slow?





You are given an array of integers, each with an unknown number of digits. You are also told the total number of digits of all the integers in the array is n. Provide an algorithm that will sort the array in O(n) time no matter how the digits are distributed among the elements in the array. (e.g. there might be one element with n digits, or n/2 elements with 2 digits, or the elements might be of all different lengths, etc. Be sure to justify in detail the run time of your algorithm.




Since all of the items in the array would be integers sorting them would not be a problem regardless of the difference in integers. O(n) time would be impossible unless the array is already sorted, otherwise, the best runtime we can hope for would be such a method like the one below with a runtime of O(n^2)

static void sortingMethod(int arr[], int n)  


       int x, y, temp;  

       boolean swapped;  

       for (x = 0; x < n - 1; x++)  


           swapped = false;  

           for (y = 0; y < n - x - 1; y++)  


               if (arr[y] > arr[y + 1])  


                   temp = arr[y];  

                   arr[y] = arr[y + 1];  

                   arr[y + 1] = temp;  

                   swapped = true;  



           if (swapped == false)  




I don‘t know how to solve a crossword puzzle. Please help me!!!


Across would be words like: HELLO.
Vertically would be words like: H


Write a recursive function that prints out the items of a (possibly empty) singly linked list of integers in reverse order. The function should run in linear time.



Follows are the method definition to this question:

void Reverse_Order(struct Node* h)//defining a recursive method Reverse_Order that takes structure in parameter


if (h == NULL)//use if block to check head equal to null

return;//use return keyword

Reverse_Order(h->next);//call method recursively

cout<<h->data;//print data



In the above code, a recursive method "Reverse_Order" takes structure as the parameter, and inside the method, structure variable h is used that uses the if conditional statement to check the header equal to null.

In the condition is true, it will use the return keyword, and in the next step, it calls the method recursively, and print its value in the reverse order.

Write a program that takes a three digit number (input) and prints its ones, tens and hundreds digits on separate lines


In python:

number = input("Enter your number ")

i = 0

while i < len(number):


   i += 1

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