A baby's weight rose from 19 1/2 pounds to 19 7/8pounds. What was the change in the baby's weight in pounds?


Answer 1


it rose three eighths of a pound

Related Questions

una escuela debe transportar 200 estudiantes


Answer: a school must transport 200 students

Step-by-step explanation:

a. These triangles are proportional. Identify which sides match up between the two triangles. Please note sides are named from point to point so for instance the length 40 on triangle ABC is referred to as side AB. Make sure to identify all three pairs. b. Set up fractions with your side pairs to show proportionality. Do they all simplify down to the same fraction? If not please go back to Part A and remember that shapes can be rotated or reflected. Make sure to show your work demonstrating that the fractions are proportional. c. Are the triangles similar? If so explain why. If not, explain why not. Your work from Part A & B may help with this.



a)ab and yz, ac and xy, bc and xz

b)yz  =   xy  =   xz          30 = 37.5 = 45      3 = 3 = 3      

ab      ac        bc          40     50       60     4    4    4

c)they are similar because all sides break down to ¾  

Step-by-step explanation: this is what i did on my test

what is the answer




Step-by-step explanation:

use math a way

3) The volume of a cube is 1,000 cu. in. What is the height of the cube? (Remember what is true about a cube!)​



10 inches

Step-by-step explanation:




Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]area \: = {135}cm^{2} [/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex] \: from \: the \: diagram \: we \: have \: 3\: retangles \: \\ [/tex]

area of rectangle = L×B 1 rectangle = 3×2=6

2 rectangular = 4×2 =8

3 rectangle = (13-2) × (7+4)

= 11×11 =121

total area = 6+8+121=135


Question 1(Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)
The solution to 6x = 48 is x =


Well the answer would be 8 as the total sum would be 6 x (8) = 48

find the value of x. Pregunta matemática ​



Ejercicios Resueltos  


1. Si el complemento de ángulo x es 2x, ¿Cuál es el valor de x en  



2x x 90 += °

3x 90

x 90 / 3

x 30

= °

= °

= °

2. Si el suplemento del ángulo x es 5x, ¿Cuál es el valor de x?  




x=180 /6






3- Determínese los dos ángulos x e y, cuya suma es 90 y cuya  

diferencia es 10 .  




-Planteamos el sistema de ecuaciones:  

x y 90

x y 10

+= °

−= °

-Resolvemos el sistema. Mediante el método de suma y resta  


2x 100

x 100 / 2

x 50

= °

= °

= °

-Hacemos la sustitución del valor encontrado de x en la primera  

ecuación: 50 y 90

y 90 50

y 40

°+ = °

= °−

= °


∴La solución al problema es x 50 , y 40 =°= °


4. Hállense dos ángulos complementarios tales que su diferencia sea  

30° .  


-Planteamos el sistema de ecuaciones:  

x y 90

x y 30

+= °

−= °

-Resolvemos el sistema. Mediante el método de suma y resta  


2x 120

x 120 / 2

x 60

= °

= °

= °

-Hacemos la sustitución del valor encontrado de x en la primera  


60 y 90

y 90 60

y 30

°+ = °

= °−

= °

∴La solución al problema es x 60 , y 30 = °= °


5. Hállense dos ángulos suplementarios tales que el uno sea 20 mayor  

que el otro.  



-Planteamos el sistema de ecuaciones:  

x y 180

x y 20

+= °

=+ °

-Resolvemos el sistema:  

(y 20 ) y 180

2y 180 20

2y 160

y 80

+ °+ =

= °− °

= °

= °


-Hacemos la sustitución del valor encontrado de y en la primera  

ecuación: x 80 180

x 180 80

x 100

+ °=

= °−

= °



∴La solución al problema es:  

x = °= ° 100 , y 180


1.- ¿Cuánto miden cada uno de los ángulos interiores del siguiente  



Nota: La suma de los ángulos interiores de los triángulos es  

180° .  

((( A B C 180 ++= °

3x 5x 4x 180 ++ = °

12x 180 = °∴( ( (( A 22.5 , B 52.5 , C 30 , CBR 127.5 = ° = ° =° = °

x 15 = °

∴( ( A 45 , B 75 ,C 60 =° =°= °







2.- ¿Cuánto miden cada uno de los ángulos del siguiente triángulo?  


a) Ángulo extendido  

( ( B CBR 180 + = Esto debido a que son ángulos suplementarios  

(B 15x 60 180 + − °=

(B 180 60 15x = °+ °−

(B 240 15x = °−

b) Suma de los ángulos interiores del triángulo  

((( A B C 180 ++=

3x (240 15x) 4x 180 + °− + =

7x (240 15x) 180 + °− =

− + °= 8x 240 180− =− 8x 160°

x 7.5 =

∴( ( (( A 22.5 , B 52.5 , C 30 , CBR 127.5 = ° = ° =° = °  

3.- Escribe la definición de bisectriz del triángulo.  

Es la semirrecta que biseca el ángulo, es decir, divide el ángulo  

en dos ángulos congruentes.  

4.- ¿Qué es la mediatriz de un triángulo?  

La mediatriz de un lado de un triángulo (y en general de un  

segmento de recta), es la recta perpendicular a ese lado en su  

punto medio.  

5.- ¿Que es la mediana de un triángulo?  

La mediana de un triángulo, es el segmento de la recta que une  

un vértice con el punto medio del lado opuesto.  


1.- ¿Qué cuadrilátero tiene las dos diagonales iguales y sus lados son  

iguales dos a dos?  


2.- Si los ángulos de un cuadrilátero miden, respectivamente, 80º, 110º  

y 70º, ¿Cuánto medirá el ángulo que falta?  


3.- ¿Cuál es el paralelogramo que tiene las diagonales perpendiculares?  


4.- ¿Cómo se llama el cuadrilátero que tiene dos lados paralelos?  


5.- Encuentra el área del paralelogramo que tiene 5cm de base y 3 de  


A b*a

A 5*3

A 15




POLÍGONOS 1.- Cuatro ángulos interiores de un pentágono valen respectivamente  

110°, 90°, 85° y 125°. ¿Cuánto vale el quinto ángulo?  


Si la suma de los ángulos interiores de un polígono es:  

180°*(n-2)=180°*(5-2) = 540°, a lo que le se le resta los  

valores de los ángulos que se dieron, consecuentemente, el  

quinto ángulo vale 130°.  

2.- ¿Cuántos lados tiene, en cada caso, el polígono cuyos ángulos  

interiores suman respectivamente 1080°, 900°, 1260°?  


Despejando de la fórmula el valor de n, tenemos que:  

. 2


suma angulos n = ° + , y esto aplicado a cada valor de la suma de los  

ángulos internos, obtenemos que los valores de n son 8, 7 y 9  


3.- ¿Cuánto vale cada ángulo exterior de un octágono regular?  


Aplicando el teorema de que la suma de los ángulos exteriores  

de un polígono es 360°, entonces cada ángulo exterior vale  

360°/8 = 45°  

4.- Calcular los ángulos exteriores de un triángulo rectángulo que tiene  

un ángulo agudo doble del otro.  


Se tiene que la suma de los ángulos interiores es  

180°*(n-2)= 180° y éste a su vez es igual a 90° + x + 2x,  

despejando x de 3x = 90°, x= 30°, entonces los ángulos  

interiores son 30°, 60° y 90°, teniendo como ángulos exteriores  

150°, 120° y 90°.

Step-by-step explanation:

12 Terrel says 5x = 5x + 0. Johnny says 5x = 5x .0. Which person is correct?
A Johnny
B Terrel
C Both are correct
D Neither are correct




5x=5x so when five Cross the=sign


An arm wrestler is the champion for a period of 75 hours. (Here, by an hour, we mean a period starting from an exact hour, such as 1 P.M., until the next hour.) The arm wrestler had at least one match an hour, but no more than 125 total matches. Show that there is a period of consecutive hours during which the arm wrestler had exactly 24 matches.



The answer is "In the i-th to J-th hour, the Wrestler played only 24 match-ups".

Step-by-step explanation:

Let [tex]x_i[/tex] label the number of teams played by the wrestler for [tex]1 \leq i \leq 75[/tex], after i-th hour, where [tex]1 \leq x_i \leq 125[/tex].   This also means [tex]25 \leq x_i + 24 \leq 149[/tex]. The Pigeonhole Principle means that [tex]\ni i \neq j \ni x i+ 24 = x ,j[/tex] is played exactly 24 matches  between the i-th and j-th-hours end. Thus, 150 integrals [tex]x_1,x_2,......x_{75}, x_1+24,x_2+24.[/tex]  In the i-th to J-th hour, the Wrestler played only 24 match-ups.

Two angles are complementary.
If one angle measures 45
degrees, then what is the
measure of the other angle? *




Step-by-step explanation:

1 hundredth+3 tenths equal what



The answer is .31

Step-by-step explanation:

When there is a “th” at the end of the number it signals that the number is to the right of the decimal.

Tenths are immediately to the right of the decimal, next is hundredths, then thousandths, and so on.

sally had 21 marbles her friendgave her some more.she then had 35 marbles. write an expression that shows how many marbles she had.



21 + x = 35

x = 14

Hope this helps :)

-2, 6, -18, 54: Write an explicate formula for this sequence























































































































Step-by-step explanation:

A rectangular carport has area of one 50 ft.The width of the carport is 5 feet less than twice its length. Find the length and width of the carport

Width= ? feet,
Length= ? feet



[tex]Length = 10ft[/tex]

[tex]Width = 15ft[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]W= Width\\ L = Length[/tex]

[tex]Area = 150[/tex]

[tex]W=2*L- 5[/tex]


Determine the dimension

Area is calculated as:

[tex]Area = L * W[/tex]

So, we have:

[tex]L * W = 150[/tex]

Substitute: [tex]W=2*L- 5[/tex]

[tex]L * (2*L-5) = 150[/tex]

[tex]L * (2L-5) = 150[/tex]

Open bracket

[tex]2L^2 - 5L = 150[/tex]

Rewrite as:

[tex]2L^2 - 5L - 150=0[/tex]


[tex]2L^2 -20L + 15L - 150 = 0[/tex]


[tex]2L(L -10) + 15(L - 10) = 0[/tex]

[tex](2L + 15) (L - 10) = 0[/tex]


[tex]2L + 15=0[/tex] or [tex]L -10 = 0[/tex]

Solve for L

[tex]2L =-15[/tex] or [tex]L = 10[/tex]

L cannot be negative


[tex]L = 10[/tex]

Substitute [tex]L = 10[/tex] in [tex]W=2*L- 5[/tex]

[tex]W = 2 * 10 - 5[/tex]

[tex]W = 20 - 5[/tex]

[tex]W = 15[/tex]


[tex]Length = 10ft[/tex]

[tex]Width = 15ft[/tex]

What’s the missing number for this equation:)



[tex]140x = 8400[/tex]

[tex] \frac{140x}{140} = \frac{8400}{140} [/tex]

[tex]x = 60[/tex]

Our answer is 60.

Good luck.


140 x X =8400


X= 60

140 x 60 =8400

is this right. ......... I need help



yes those all seem to be correct, A, B, and D are the ones that are correct

calcular el número de lados de aquel poligono cuyo número de diagonales.


el numero de lados es 9

What is the surface area of a cylinder that is 5 centimeters high and has a diameter of 1.5 centimeters?
7.51 cm2
8.6251 cm2
10.5 cm
19.551 cm2


Answer: SA≈27.1.

The formula is SA=2πrh+2πr2.

The radius is 0.75 since 1.5 divided by 2=0.75.

Plug it in.

Which of the following statements is true for the quadratic equation x2 – 16x + 64 = 0?



Please provide the statements.

Step-by-step explanation:


the equation has one anser

Step-by-step explanation:

In triangle NOP p equals 600 inches angle P equals 96° and angle N equals 64° what is the area of triangle NOP to the nearest 10th of a square inch?


9514 1404 393


  55,637.8 square inches

Step-by-step explanation:

We can find side n using the Law of Sines:

  n/sin(N) = p/sin(P)

  n = p(sin(N)/sin(P)) = 600·sin(64°)/sin(96°)

  n ≈ 542.246913 . . . . inches

The angle O is ...

  O = 180° -N -P = 180° -64° -96° = 20°

Then the area is ...

  A = 1/2·np·sin(O)

  A = (1/2)(542.246913 in)(600 in)·sin(20°) ≈ 55,637.81008 in²

The area of ∆NOP is about 55,637.8 in².





Step-by-step explanation:

Find the area (in square feet) of a trapezoid



Solution Given :

apothegm [a]=9in

perimeter [p]=13.1×5=65.5in


A=1/2 aP=1/2×9×65.5=294.75in²

Use the figure below and 2-3 sentences to explain the following:

The side opposite angle E is side ____?

The side adjacent to angle E is side ____?

The hypotenuse is side ____?


Answer/Step-by-step explanation:

The triangle given is a right triangle

Reference angle = angle E


The side that is opposite to angle E is side DF = e

The side that is adjacent to angle E is side EF = d

The hypotenuse side is the longest side that is opposite go the right angle of the triangle = DE = f

the product of 5 and 6 reduced by t




Step-by-step explanation:

in math, product means the "sum" of the equation or the final answer

and in your case, that means 5*6, but then we also have to remember that we're "reducing" or subtracting 't'-


good luck :)

i hope this helps

brainliest would be highly appreciated

have a nice day!

I need help with this!


9514 1404 393


  see attached

Step-by-step explanation:

12. The first attachment has the rate of change on each interval. (It is listed at the end of the interval.) It is computed by dividing the difference in length by the corresponding difference in months. The units of rate of change are inches per month.

The baby was growing fastest in the first 3 months.


13. The first attachment has the rate of change on each interval. It is computed by dividing the difference in height by the corresponding difference in seconds. The units of rate of change are meters per second. A negative number indicates the elevator is going down.

The second attachment shows a graph of the distance versus time.


I find it convenient to let a spreadsheet do repetitive calculations. I can enter the formula once and copy it where needed. I don't have to worry about the accuracy of the arithmetic, and the result can be formatted to suit the problem requirements. (The basics of most spreadsheet programs can be learned in a few minutes.)

What is the solution for the equation?

Negative five-halves = three-fourths + n
n = Negative StartFraction 13 over 4 EndFraction
n = negative start Fraction 7 over 4 EndFraction
n = StartFraction 7 over 4 EndFraction
n = StartFraction 13 over 4 EndFraction



n=-13/4 because you subtract 3/4 from -5/2

Step-by-step explanation:


its a

Step-by-step explanation:

did it on my test edge

What is the area of the kite? 10 yd 4 yd 6 yd 4 yd ​


the area of a kite would be 6 ts

Select the value of x that makes the equation
“-3(x + 10) + 2x = 30” true.
1. 60
2. 0
3. 30
4. -60
5. -20




Step-by-step explanation:

-3(x + 10) + 2x = 30 becomes -3x - 30 + 2x = 30 after having performed the multiplication.  Combining like terms, we get -x = 60, so that x must be -60 (Answer 4)

A scientist was in a submarine below sea level, studying ocean life. Over the next ten minutes, she descended 75.3 feet. How many feet had she been below sea level, if she was 154.6 feet below sea level after she descended?


She was initially at a depth of 24.7 feet before she rose

Coach Nichols asked the track team to run a lap around the track. Determine the distance the team ran. Use 3 for pi.




Step-by-step explanation:

A ______________ consists of an a sample space and a list of events with their probabilities.

probability model

sample space




Sample space َََ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ

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Every non-atomic expression is written as a Scheme list, so we can write procedures that manipulate other programs just as we write procedures that manipulate lists.Rewriting programs can be useful: we can write an interpreter that only handles a small core of the language, and then write a procedure that converts other special forms into the core language before a program is passed to the interpreter.For example, the let special form is equivalent to a call expression that begins with a lambda expression. Both create a new frame extending the current environment and evaluate a body within that new environment. Feel free to revisit Problem 15 as a refresher on how the let form works.(let ((a 1) (b 2)) (+ a b));; Is equivalent to:((lambda (a b) (+ a b)) 1 2)These expressions can be represented by the following diagrams:Let Lambdalet lambdaUse this rule to implement a procedure called let-to-lambda that rewrites all let special forms into lambda expressions. If we quote a let expression and pass it into this procedure, an equivalent lambda expression should be returned: pass it into this procedure:scm> (let-to-lambda '(let ((a 1) (b 2)) (+ a b)))((lambda (a b) (+ a b)) 1 2)scm> (let-to-lambda '(let ((a 1)) (let ((b a)) b)))((lambda (a) ((lambda (b) b) a)) 1)In order to handle all programs, let-to-lambda must be aware of Scheme syntax. Since Scheme expressions are recursively nested, let-to-lambda must also be recursive. In fact, the structure of let-to-lambda is somewhat similar to that of scheme_eval--but in Scheme! As a reminder, atoms include numbers, booleans, nil, and symbols. You do not need to consider code that contains quasiquotation for this problem.(define (let-to-lambda expr)(cond ((atom? expr) )((quoted? expr) )((lambda? expr) )((define? expr) )((let? expr) )(else )))CODE:; Returns a function that checks if an expression is the special form FORM(define (check-special form)(lambda (expr) (equal? form (car expr))))(define lambda? (check-special 'lambda))(define define? (check-special 'define))(define quoted? (check-special 'quote))(define let? (check-special 'let));; Converts all let special forms in EXPR into equivalent forms using lambda(define (let-to-lambda expr)(cond ((atom? expr); BEGIN PROBLEM 19'replace-this-line; END PROBLEM 19)((quoted? expr); BEGIN PROBLEM 19'replace-this-line; END PROBLEM 19)((or (lambda? expr)(define? expr))(let ((form (car expr))(params (cadr expr))(body (cddr expr))); BEGIN PROBLEM 19'replace-this-line; END PROBLEM 19))((let? expr)(let ((values (cadr expr))(body (cddr expr))); BEGIN PROBLEM 19'replace-this-line; END PROBLEM 19))(else; BEGIN PROBLEM 19'replace-this-line; END PROBLEM 19))) the product of (y + 2) and (y - 2) if y=7 18,250 new species are discovered each year on plane earth. how many are found each day? ( giving brainliest ) im timed pls hurry. 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